Wedding photography investment

Wedding photography collections

Digital file collections start from $1,995 for your whole wedding day up until the first formalities of reception.

Album collections start from $2,995.

Why? We just want to make everything as straightforward as possible. We don’t get finicky with hours, we focus on the moments. So if you ask us, how many hours is your digital collection, our response will be, “Well, how many hours is your wedding day?!” We don’t do a 2-hour, 5-hour, 6-hour, ten-hour… If I’m there for your day, I’m not on the clock. It covers the bride’s coverage at home, the groom’s coverage at the ceremony, the ceremony, the group shots, family shots, and locations. It doesn’t include reception because, to be honest, reception is usually more of a video than a photography thing.

If you wanted me for your reception, we could of course organise a separate collection add-on for that, but ultimately, you’ve got me for your day.



We will shoot most of your day from the bride’s preparation, all the way to the beginning of your reception.


Starting from $1,995

Collection inclusions

  • Bride preparation coverage (1.5 hours)

  • Groom at ceremony (45 mins)

  • Ceremony

  • Group photos

  • Family photos

  • Traditional photos

  • Unlimited locations


At least 400 high-resolution jpegs delivered in online gallery.



We will shoot most of your day from the bride’s preparation, all the way to the beginning of your reception.


Starting from $2,995

Collection inclusions

  • Bride preparation coverage (1.5 hours)

  • Groom at ceremony (45 mins)

  • Ceremony

  • Group photos

  • Family photos

  • Traditional photos

  • Unlimited locations

  • 1 x 20 sided album


At least 400 high-resolution jpegs delivered in online gallery.

“Shadow is my canvas and light is my paint”


Wedding timeline

Have you sat down and worked out a timeline for your wedding day? Have you figured out times for reception, hair and make-up, groom arrival at ceremony, etc? Fear not! We can catch up either by zoom or in person and plot things out visually. The preference is always in person because out of all the vendors, I’ll be the one you’ll be spending time with the longest! It won’t take long (I promise), just 30 - 45 minutes and I’m available most weeknights.

Create the magic.
Capture the moment.
Tell the story.

Follow us on Instagram @jpevermorephotography

Follow me on Instagram here @jpevermorephotography.

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